If you are ready to enter the cosmic cave and meet your True Self then I am here to help hold a lantern for your pathway forward 

Hello, I'm Mary Eliz, a creative intuitive with a passion for helping people connect deeper with their True Self through the portals of the observable celestial bodies, the I'Ching nature archetypes, Numerology, Cartomancy, and Dreamwork. 

The intention set for my services is to support and guide you deeper into self-discovery, lighting the pathway that your Soul desires to travel. 

My personal mantra is " To Know Thyself" as it is self-knowledge that has set my Soul free. I believe that Divinity is acceptance of all parts of self; therefore, in understanding, accepting, and connecting to every part of self, we are then able to experience our shared profound connection to all of humanity. 

Becoming a mother prompted me to begin a profoundly transformative journey inward. Recognizing the vital role of my emotional well-being, especially for my new daughter, led me to explore the depths of the psyche. 

I spent countless hours journaling and studying various healing systems and methodologies.

I began to integrate mental health and spiritual practices into my daily life, diligently focusing on healing my nervous system and reshaping my brain chemistry.

Over three years, I began to experience a reversal in many of the mental health issues that I had struggled with since my youth. I have experienced even deeper healing as I have combined my quest for well-being with professional mental health support.

My mission is to share with you what I have learned on my healing journey through sessions based on your unique astrological blueprint. I am so excited to help you align with your most authentic self 🤍